How America's deadliest serial killer was caught, charged and tried — but never stopped | Curio

How America's deadliest serial killer was caught, charged and tried — but never stopped

22 mins | Feb 17, 2021

Part III: Still unsolved. For more than 40 years, America’s deadliest serial killer went undetected. He claims to have killed at least 93 people, nearly all women, many of whom remain unidentified. He got away with it by preying on those on the margins of society whose murders police failed to solve. Wesley Lowery, Hannah Knowles and Mark Berman share their gripping investigation in The Washington Post. In the series' final instalment, as Samuel Little’s health deteriorates the FBI has gone to extraordinary lengths to publicise details of the unsolved cases yet local police have provided uneven results. Search "America's deadliest serial killer" to listen to the full series.

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From The Washington Post

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