I am desperate for the end of lockdown — but I won’t return to my old life | Curio

I am desperate for the end of lockdown — but I won’t return to my old life

5 mins | Mar 13, 2021

The Guilty Feminist on her most valuable lesson learnt in isolation. Lockdown has been a restorative experience for Deborah Frances-White. In this piece, the comedian reflects on her hesitant excitement for when things going back to normal. "I tell myself I have learned lessons in lockdown: the value of quiet, sleep, contemplation, exercise and an undercommitted schedule. I still overwork, but just staying in one spot — rather than racing from meeting to drinks to airport to lunch to meeting — has done major restoration work on my soul and body. I knew my world (like our world) was out of control, bad for the environment and unsustainable in every way. The only thing that was going to stop me was it being made illegal."

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From The Guardian

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