The last days inside Trailer 83 | Curio

The last days inside Trailer 83

27 mins | Oct 26, 2021

How long is truly long enough to shelter the most vulnerable? As climate disasters increase, a last-gasp Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) camp for wildfire survivors tests the government’s obligations to the displaced. Hannah Dreier follows the story of Mike and Crystal Erickson, who lost their home when a wildfire destroyed the town of Paradise. FEMA built a place for them to temporarily get back on their feet. But, FEMA was never built for climate change-driven disasters that have wiped out whole communities. Here, Dreier explores how housing advocates are calling on the agency to find new solutions, like partnering with HUD or repairing homes directly. However, why has the management agency instead doubled down on trailer parks? "After a while, Crystal fell asleep and Mike slipped out for a walk. There was no greenery at the site, no shade, and no color aside from the green trash bins outside each home. He walked past Trailer 46, where a small woman who liked to keep to herself peeked through the blinds. Past Trailer 11, where a father, preparing to move out, was trying to scrape off the glow-in-the-dark stars he’d put up for his kids. Past Trailer 7, where a FEMA eviction notice fluttered on the door, warning, 'We have not been able to contact you by telephone and must speak with you right away.' Mike knew that the man who lived inside had a hole in his trachea and couldn’t talk."

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From The Washington Post

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